What is it like cooking in Dora?
Doñana day
So, by now you would have got from me a certain love of our feather friends. Today was to be spent in bird paradise.
How can we possibly thank you?
Tranquillity, relaxation, beautiful weather, endless beaches… what else can we ask?
Winter ghost town
We were invited by friends to their holiday home in Islantilla. An abstract place at the best of times, in winter, this golf town is a ghost town.
Our costs in Portugal
46% under budget in Portugal?? Not bad at all!
Farewell Algarve, Farewell Portugal
It was our last day in Portugal, we were close to the border and keen to move on. Would the guide, would Julie have one last laugh?
Let us down again??
21kms walk this morning, half an hour lunch and we are off again to attempt our second walk of the day.
They are actually getting better
Well, we are gradually making our way out of Portugal and we have left, what we thought were going to be the best walks, to the end, because of their length and because of their location, inland and close to the mountains.
A village on its last legs? Cachopo is small, cute and noisy, but is it going the same way as the abandoned village, Roche Amarela, we visited a few days ago?
A bit of isolation
The Algarve has been a disappointment so far, we need to find somewhere away from the coast, a little more rural, but also the weather is getting better. Perhaps things are improving.