Our costs in Moldova

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80% over budget!! But not too worried, we are still 18% under budget year to date.

Moldova was another country where Dora wasn’t wanted. There is only one more country which we will visit and for which she won’t be covered either: Montenegro. So we are hoping to make up for this colossal overspent by the end of our trip.

We knew that Moldova was going to be expensive but we couldn’t resist the temptation to go.

Why has it cost that much??

Public transport:

We travelled longer. There is around 500 kilometres between Bucharest and Chisinau. Like in the UK, trains are more expensive than buses here.

We also used more public transport within the country: when we went to Orheiul Vechi to visit the monastery and we went to Transnistria.


Because of convenience, we parked at the airport in Bucharest. It was bound to be expensive.


We managed to book a good value apartment at €21 per night. However, it must not be forgotten that our accommodation budget was based on camping rates. We never counted on leaving Dora behind.


Eating out worked out slightly higher than expected, at €35 per day. This surprises us, as Moldova is a cheap country. However, we did have a couple of expenses lunches: when we visited the monastery and we went to Transnistria. These of course, on the top of eating out every evening.


Mainly due to sightseeing. The biggest cost was the tour around Transnistria (€25 each). Other than that we visited just a couple of museums in Chisinau.



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2 thoughts on “Our costs in Moldova

  • July 16, 2015 at 11:58 pm

    Bueno…………. algo más caro pero todo tiene explicación..
    Ya veo que contabais con ello, es de comprender al no poder llevar vivienda propia, en otro país sera al contrario ,

    • July 18, 2015 at 7:48 pm

      Merecio la pena.

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